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Nenek - MK

Tunjuk lagi

Diterbitkan oleh grandmasterb069

Video Transcription

What's your name? I am Mika Connie. Mika Connie and what country would you be from Mika Connie?

Philippines. The Philippines like the island? The Philippines yeah. I'm in the Manila.

cool how long you been here in the United States a year are you enjoying it

so far anything and you end up in porn how'd that happen tell me

Wow! So basically you are you enjoying the porno business so far?

Kurangkan paparan Tunjuk lagi

And how old are we by the way and be honest because we're all watching.

35 years old.

Whoa! She looked damn good for 35 doesn't she? You're still younger than I am and I can actually

say that. Hey can I see your tits? Yeah this is my baby. Let's see your...

Uh when'd you uh when'd you uh get those boobs done?

When? Yeah. Two years ago. You enjoy it very much? Yeah. Here straighten out your back

straighten there you go there you go. So uh what else what else? Today you're working

with Alex Sanders. Uh you uh familiar with this man? Yeah I already checked him on the internet.

Yeah I know. I always check everything. And uh is uh are you nervous working with him today or

you think everything's gonna be a-okay? Yeah it's all good.

Alright, cool. Well, I guess if you and I aren't gonna have sex, we should probably call in Alex, huh?

Yeah, alright, fine.


  • 11,755
  • 22:53